In 2024 as a part of Health Share of Oregon’s efforts focused on enhancing social-emotional services provided to young children enrolled in their CCO, they funded the Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership to conduct trainings for primary care providers on social-emotional health in young children and strategies for primary care providers to address social-emotional health in young children.
For providers who care for children insured through Health Share of Oregon, OPIP has developed an online resource library of the curriculum materials that were provided so that providers who serve children insured through Health Share of Oregon can access these materials.
Important Note:
The materials provided represent the intellectual property of the OPIP team and collaborators and are currently under review for copyright. The dissemination and implementation of the materials was funded by Health Share of Oregon.
- For providers who do not care for children insured within Health Share of Oregon, OPIP does not provide consent for the materials to be viewed and used. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to discuss your interest in these materials.
- For providers who care for children insured within Health Share of Oregon, please follow appropriate citation methods if materials are shared or used.