A core component of the OPIP mission is “incorporating the patient and family voice into quality efforts”. Below are some tools and resources that OPIP has used to engage families and community partners.
Community Engagement
- OPIP led an extensive community engagement process to inform the work of the Assuring Better Child & Healthy Development (ABCD III) Collaborative
- OPIP developed a model for community engagement that built off the Community Café model for parent and family participation, but also involved the entirety of stakeholders, and anchored to the principles of quality improvement. This included a staggered, systematic approach that built off data collected and assessed, and actions developed. Our intent was to create a process by which stakeholders were individually engaged, their perspectives collected and analyzed, and their interests identified before a group-level meeting was held involving the various stakeholders from different perspectives.
- For more information about this process, please contact Colleen Reuland at: [email protected]
Parent Partners in Quality Improvement
Keynote Speakers from Parents at Our Learning Sessions:
- OPIP is committed to having parents serve as keynote faculty in all of our Learning Sessions focused on improvement. This has fundamentally changed the tone and focus of our improvement efforts to be patient-centered. We are appreciative for our partnership with OCCYSHN, who has helped us to recruit parents and support their attendance at the meeting.
- Parent presentations focused on care coordination: Click here to see the keynote presentations from parents who shared their experiences caring for CYSHCN during our ECHO Learning Session on Care Coordination in May of 2012.
- Parent presentations focused on mental and behavioral health integration: Click here to see the keynote presentations from a parent with her experience with her child’s mental and behavioral health needs.
Parents as partners in Quality Improvement:
- OPIP encourages all practices involved in our projects to engage parents in their improvement efforts. Click here to see a presentation for practices about how they can engage patients to inform, motivate, and guide their improvement efforts.
Parents as members of the project team:
- OPIP has also hired a parent consultant to join our team and ensure a patient-centered focus for all our projects and QI efforts.