What is measured is what is focused on- and improved. OPIP has led work to develop and support the implementation of metrics that measure and incentivize Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) in Oregon to improve the system of services that address children who need issue-focused intervention and treatment services.
The Oregon Medicaid/CHIP program contracts with Coordinated Care Organizations for nearly 93% of children enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan.
As part of this contract, Incentive Metrics are used to assess and financially incentivize quality in the Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs).
The CCO Incentive Metric program has been in place since 2013 and is a key policy and payment lever to ensure a focus on quality for CCO insured children.
OPIP has successfully developed and supported metrics that have been part of the CCO Incentive Metric program from 2013-2019 and from 2020-2025. OPIP develops these incentive metrics to support a focus on and improve care for children and youth. OPIP’s community-based improvement work plays a key role in informing metric development.
Developmental Screening in the First Three Years of Life
- OPIP’s Director, Colleen Reuland, developed and is the measure steward of the national CHIPRA Core Metric on Developmental Screening in the First Three Years of Life.
- This metric was also a CCO Incentive metric from 2013-2019. This was one of the major factors that resulted in Oregon moving from the bottom quartile in the nation for Developmental Screening, to being one of the top states in the country.
- To learn more, please go here.
CCO Incentive Metrics Focused on Social-Emotional Heath
- OPIP developed the child-level metric focused on issue-focused intervention and treatment services for young children that was adopted and included in the 2025 CCO Incentive Metric set.
- OPIP, in collaboration with the Children’s Institute, developed the System-Level Social Emotional Health Metric which was an incentive metric for Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) for two years from 2022-2024. This system-level metric focused on driving improvements in CCO-covered social-emotional services for children from birth to age five and their families, with the ultimate goal of achieving equitable access to services that support social-emotional health and are the best match for their needs.
- Here is a Grand Rounds presentation about OPIP’s work in this area.